Transfer Course Articulation
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Transfer Courses
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If the school or course you are looking for is not listed, please send a detailed email to requesting the course be reviewed. Email should include name of school, course symbol, course number, and course title.
  • This page displays the MSU equivalents for courses transferred in from the selected Mississippi (CC/JC) college.

  • All courses listed within the Articulation Records below ARE ACCEPTED AND ARTICULATED. An XXXX in the MSU equivalent course column indicates one of two conditions exist: (1) MSU has articulated ("transferred in") a course not taught at MSU. This course is "transferred in" to MSU and may be used at the college's discretion within a student's program of study; or (2) a course may be taught with different credit hours at the selected institution than the course at MSU - such as an extra hour of lab credit. Using an XXXX one hour course allows us to "transfer in" the extra hour and grade to prevent the loss of academic hours and/or grade.

  • Courses are articulated (transferred in) to MSU through one of four articulation agreements/evaluations as shown below:
    • MA06 - A CC/JC academic course articulated per the CC/JC - IHL 2006 Articulation Agreement
    • TM06 - A CC/JC technical course articulated per the CC/JC - IHL 2006 Articulation Agreement
    • AA00 - A CC/JC academic course articulated since 2000 per MSU departmental evaluation
    • AT00 - A CC/JC technical course articulated since 2000 per MSU departmental technical letter evaluation.
  • This page displays the MSU equivalents for courses transferred in from the selected college.

  • All courses listed within the Articulation Records below ARE ACCEPTED AND ARTICULATED. An XXXX in the MSU equivalent course column indicates one of two conditions exist: (1) MSU has articulated ("transferred in") a course not taught at MSU. This course is "transferred in" to MSU and may be used at the college's discretion within a student's program of study; or (2) a course may be taught with different credit hours at the selected institution than the course at MSU - such as an extra hour of lab credit. Using an XXXX one hour course allows us to "transfer in" the extra hour and grade to prevent the loss of academic hours and/or grade.

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