Password Setup
Enter your Parent Portal User ID (email address), current password (from the email that you received), and your new password, then click Submit to continue.
The New Password
The New Password
- Must contain 8-15 characters
- Must begin with a letter and contain at least 2 numbers or special characters
- Is case sensitive
- Can contain the following special characters % - _!+
User ID (Email Address)

Current Password

New Password

Confirm New Password

Having trouble?
If you are having trouble, please contact the student who gave you access and ask them to reset your password. Once your password is reset, you will receive an email notification which will provide a link to this page and the "current password" needed above.
If you are having trouble, please contact the student who gave you access and ask them to reset your password. Once your password is reset, you will receive an email notification which will provide a link to this page and the "current password" needed above.
Your password has successfully been reset.
Click Here to return to the Parent Portal Login page located at http://parentportal.msstate.edu/
Click Here to return to the Parent Portal Login page located at http://parentportal.msstate.edu/