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If you need help:

  1. For assistance with the registration process, registration time tickets or disabled Registration Access Codes(RAC), please contact the Registrar's Office. The Registrar's Office is located in the East End of Garner Hall and the telephone numbers are 662-325-2023 or 2025. Academic advisors may provide students their RAC numbers, if needed, after advising.
  2. For assistance with registration holds, please contact the office originating the hold. Each office is responsible for releasing its holds.
  3. For assistance with technical issues, including your NetID and NetPassword, please contact the ITS Service Desk. The Service Desk is located at 108 Allen Hall and can be reached by telephone at 662-325-0631 or 888-398-6394, by email at, and via the web at Service Desk.
  4. To ensure your privacy and security, you should use the 'Exit' link (located in the top right corner of each page) to exit from the system when you are finished. This will ensure that no one can access the system using your NetID and NetPassword.